
Multiplying Your Success Power

By James Delrojo
Very few people become successful alone. The majority are members of a power group. That is a group of other success oriented, highly focused, people who help each other achieve greatness.

In this article I will outline seven requirements of a successful power group.

1. Like Minded

The members of the group have to be like minded to the extent that they share similar objectives for the group. In that way they can bring the group energy to focus on their objectives with the minimum distractions.

4. Complimentary

The knowledge, skills and experience of each member of the group should compliment those of the other members. If each person can contribute something that none of the others can, then they can earn their continued membership.

2. Impassioned With Purpose

Each group member should be impassioned with their purpose and with the group purpose. One of the biggest benefits of a power group is that it provides an opportunity to interact with a whole group of people who are far above average in their attitudes, action habits and ambitions.

3. Synergy

It is not enough to have a group whose members are outstanding individuals. It is essential that those individuals combine together in a way as to be greater than the sum of the parts. This is known as synergy and there is a magic about it that brings out in people more than they knew existed.

5. Atmosphere of Encouragement

The group must be appreciative of the individual journeys of each of its members and provide an atmosphere of encouragement. It is only in such a supportive environment that the members will be willing to stretch beyond their current limits and comfort zones.

6. Open Minded

The purpose of the group is not to judge each other but rather to be open minded and investigate possibilities. If you find group members arguing for limitations then perhaps it is time to review the value of their contribution.

7. Meet Regularly

With today's technology it is easy to meet regularly. As well as physical meeting you could meet in video conference calls with free technology such as Skype. You can follow up on group decisions and use email to keep the group apprised of your progress.

How often the group should meet depends on the experience and objectives of the group. I have seen groups that productively meet daily and others who meet as seldom as once per month. It is up to your group to decide what works best for them.

One final point on power groups. The group can be held back by a weak or non-productive member. I suggest that if you find that your group has such a member then you fire them immediately (using all the best people skills of course).

Remember that the group is not a social outing it is a very powerful way to keep all the members focused, productive, and achieving at a great rate than they could without the group. If the group degenerates into a coffee club then it is time to leave and find a new group with the qualities listed above.

If you are not in a power group now then I strongly suggest that you start recruiting as soon as possible.

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